Counselling and psychotherapy with Richard Mills
Oakwood House, Leeds, LS8 4BA
Hello, and thanks for landing here. There’s a fair amount of information that you can check out here on my site that may give you a flavour of what it might feel like to meet me for therapy. Hopefully it can start to help you decide whom to approach.
By all means give me a ring on this number:
if you want to ask me one or two questions… or send me a text/email message to get the ball rolling. If you’re ready to make an appointment I’ll offer you a time: I can usually see folks who enquire within a few days.

Therapy and/or counselling is for anyone
People come for therapy for all sorts of reasons, and in all sorts of states. And I meet all sorts of people in my consulting room. You don’t have to be ‘ill enough’ or ‘sane enough’ or ‘distressed enough’ to make use of therapy: you just have to want to come and talk… or even not talk, if that’s what you need to do.

We're all unique
… so when I see you, I work with you and not just your ‘issue’. Whilst it helps that I have worked with people who are bereaved, depressed, abused, directionless, stressed, divorced etc, each therapy is created afresh, tailor-made for you.

My top priority
I have a number of aims when I meet someone for therapy, but top of the list is that during and after our first meeting you can say to yourself, ‘I think I can talk to this man’.
Why is therapy like a tree?
Doing this work, whether sitting in your seat or my seat, is like looking at a tree: we see one thing, a living tree with leaves, branches etc., but below this is a whole system of earth and roots that are routinely obscured from view. There are a few ways we can consider this…read more
Words... metaphor
It’s so helpful to put words to what we are feeling… so often our distress seems much more manageable if we can verbalise it: the thing feels no longer like an uncontrollable enemy once it’s visible, in our mind.

This work is hard, because at best it helps us open up to ourselves and someone else (the therapist) about who we really are. This requries a large degree of safety, provided in part by….boundaries. I will write more about this soon…
1:1 counselling + psychotherapy
Start here if you want 1:1 sessions. My private practice is conveniently situated in Oakwood, Leeds, near Roundhay Park.
Find out about this unique form of expressive therapy, which could equally be called ‘self-therapy’, ‘peer-counselling’ or ‘mutual counselling’.
Click above here to find out about the supervision that I offer to other professional practitioners.
‘Having worked with you for over two years, I have the greatest respect for your unfailing presence, your professionalism, your focus, your understanding and your abilities as a therapist.’
PB, Bradford‘When I first started to see Richard, I found myself exhausted, incredibly anxious and unable to see a future plan for myself. I was lost….I would whole-heartedly recommended Richard. ….He makes you think, deeper. …Six months after my first session, I find myself in a much more positive frame of mind, and armed with the awareness to deal with my issues going forward.’
PH, Leeds‘I have known and worked with Richard on and off for 20 years now and always found him to be extremely knowledgeable of the therapeutic process. He is clear and precise and encourages others to be the same. This can feel challenging at times but it is in my experience always for the benefit of the participant. He also has a good sense of humour, useful when people are wrestling with difficult issues, but this is done with care and consideration so you always feel safe. I always look forward to being in a workshop where he is present.’
Stephen GillinghamEmail:
Tel: 07984002495
Write: Richard Mills, Oakwood House,
637 Roundhay Road, Oakwood, Leeds LS8 4BA