Here-and-Now Residential, Barmoor, Dec 2019

For co-counsellors only

I am pleased to invite you to this event that I have organised….
NB it’s already nearly full… only 2 places are left.

Meeting Yourself and Others:
Unique Moments Together in the Here-And-Now
Barmoor, YO62 6UE, North Yorks.
13 – 15 Dec 2019

This group provides a space for people to come together and relate authentically with each other in the ‘Here and Now’.

The invitation is to:

• Stay in the here and now, to stay present, and notice your thoughts, feelings, wishes and needs..

• Say anything you like

• Be in an exploratory group with no fixed agenda, and allow space for the unexpected.

• Experience a group of equals where there is no leader.
The experience will be both interpersonal and intra-personal. This means that there is an element of relating to others in the group, so it’s inter-active, but it also provides an opportunity for internal reflection, about how you are, in the moment.


This H+N group is one continuous group over the weekend, so that in each of the H+N sessions we may refer back to the other ones.

The co-counselling ground rules re: confidentiality apply.


YO62 6UE
(Near Pickering, N. Yorks.)
This is a lovely old Quaker house in a very secluded and peaceful countryside setting. It’s been used by CCI for residentials for nearly 30 years, and is ideal for our kind of work.

Sleeping accommodation
Because of the maximum number (12) of participants, we’ll have a maximum of 2 people per room, so we can spread out across all the bedrooms and have more space.

Friday 13 – Sunday 15 December 2019



Arrive any time from 5.00pm

Dinner: There’ll be some soup and bread + fruit for you to eat.

We’ll have an Opening Circle on Friday evening after dinner, probably 8.00pm or 8.30pm.


Breakfast 8.00am – 9.00am

9.15am Opening Circle to sort out cooking stuff etc plus AOB.

The default times for Here-and-Now sessions on Saturday and Sunday are

10.00am – 12.15pm

2.30pm – 5.00pm

However, these times are open to negotiation: during the circles on Friday evening and Saturday morning and Sunday morning we may discuss alternative timings.
If we reach no agreement that everyone can live with, then the default times will apply.

We’ll decide as a group how to spend the Saturday evening.

We’ll eat dinner together at the end of Sunday afternoon, and then leave after tidying up.

This communal event is self-catering, so you are asked to help.
I will either bring food or arrange delivery of food.
Please state requests on the booking form.

Other stuff
Central heating will be on! Plus log fire… We’ll be warm.
No need for us to do any cleaning.
We have to leave the place tidy.


Price is £95

(The regular co-counselling events at Barmoor cost about £65: the price for this H+N event is higher because of our maximum number of 12 instead of 25.)

Booking + Payment

1. Please return this form:

2. I will email you to say if you have a place.

3. Then, send £95 to:
Account: Coco at Barmoor
Sortcode: 40-41-44
Account number: 91335316

4. Then, send me an email to say you’ve paid.

If it’s too difficult for you to send £95 all in one go, please contact me to work out a way that may work for you.

Richard Mills


MORE INFO about what this is about….

The Guest House (by Rumi)

This being human is a guest-house
Every morning a new arrival
A joy, a depression, a mean-ness, some momentary awareness
Comes as an unexpected visitor
Welcome and entertain them all! Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture
Still treat each guest honourably. He may be clearing you out for some new delight.
That dark thought, the shame, the malice, meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in.
Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond.

The potential benefits of this type of group might be:

• Authenticity
• Aliveness
• Getting in touch with yourself…feeling ‘connected up’
• Getting in touch with others…connections
• ‘Uncertainty training’
• The ability to wait
• Getting feedback from others
• Self-knowledge


”Wow, I feel a buzz. Thank you all. It was warming, moving, profound, reaffirming…”
– Charlie, 1st November, 2016.

‘It was extraordinary. Thank you all x’
– Chris Beale

‘Another super series of moments in the here-and-now. I love this.’
Vicki 20 June 2016

‘Wow what a wake-up call! I haven’t felt more alive and scared and nervous and proud and connected in such a long time!’
– Eileen 20 June, 2016

‘Amazing experience that I don’t get anywhere else.’
– Deborah 20 June 2016